Australia’s 43% greenhouse gas emissions reduction target now law

Australia’s 43% greenhouse gas emissions reduction target now law

By Pamela Jolly  September 15th, 2022

Australia has passed a new climate change bill that legislates the Federal Government’s target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% below 2005 levels, by 2030.


This legislation has arrived at a crucial time as international leaders prepare to meet in November in Egypt for the UN Climate Change Conference, COP 27. 

Organisers of the event have emphasised the importance of bringing leaders from all sectors to work together to progress climate goals. They point out that African countries contribute little (less than 4%) to energy-related emissions and will be looking to ensure climate injustice is minimised. Australia has been amongst the top 20 emitters across the world contributing just over 1 per cent of global emissions.  

The National Greenhouse Gas Inventory has shown a promising decline. However, there is still a lot of work needed to help create a positive climate image for Australia on the world stage.  

The Federal Government is hoping the passing of the Climate Change Bill will not only signal to international leaders Australia’s commitment to deliver on targets but will also provide much needed policy certainty to Australian businesses.  

“The passage of the Climate Change legislation sends a message to the world that Australia is serious about driving down emissions, and serious about reaping the economic opportunities from affordable renewable energy,” said Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen in a press release.  

Under the legislation, the Minister is required to prepare annual climate change statements to report on progress towards meeting the target with help from the Climate Change Authority. The authority’s role will be to provide independent advice on the statements and future admission targets.  

Now that the legislation has been passed, Minister Bowen’s work will start in earnest with the government’s plan to manage Australia’s biggest polluters shared for public consultation.   

Planet Ark hopes that by the time these reforms take effect in July 2023, adequate mechanisms and swift meaningful steps are already being taken to reduce Australia’s emissions beyond 43% by 2030.  

Planet Ark does not take responsibility for the accuracy of the original information and encourages readers to check the references before using this information for their own purposes.


Positive Actions

Pamela Jolly

Pamela is a Marketing Communications professional with over 10 years experience working for both agencies and organisations in communications, travel, finance and retail industries. Pamela loves to be in nature riding a bike, skiing, appreciating the trees at her local park or exploring wild places abroad with her family.

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